Born 25-07-2014 (4 males - 6 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Sanguinisch Braveheart (Commander in Chief van Flolain x Ch. Sanguinisch Showgirl)
Week 7-8
September 18, 2014
The approaching goodbye of this gorgeous K-litter sadly now is a reality. Because I'm an advocate of good socialisation, I've given this a lot of attention in these final days. After last week's photoshoot and the two outings to the woods, what's more now is a.o. a visit to a school and the garden centre; all that to thoroughly prepare the puppies for the big world that's waiting for them... 
Day 55: together with Lisette to the elementary school
At the schoolyard: curious for what's about to happen
Lots of attention, that is nice!!
All those children's hands, they loved it
Despite the shuffle just having a calm drink
Safety above all! Only the adults were allowed to have a pup in their laps (here Lisette)
Teacher Carola, she was totally in love with the puppies
Everybody clearly enjoyed the visit
The pups passed around a lot of kisses :-)
Also mama Venice thought it was heaven!
Time to go home, the present decorators were so kind as to lift the pups to/in the car
Day 54: running around wildly in the garden of Frank and Lisette 
Playing tag with Kiek (10 years)
The sand hill attracted them the most!
But how dirty they got there :-(
Completely grey!

The swimming pool didn't help much

With Emma (13 years)
And again with Kiek 
Feeding time: they have now learned to wait, whereby I can put down the meatbowls nice and easy!
Bon appetit!
Having a little post-meal with mummy
After that: knock out...
Day 53: on our way to the garden centre (in the left chariot male 'red' and female 'purple')

A quick stop to have the tires inflated; good that the pups experience so many noises at such a young age!

In front of the entrance of the garden centre
Watching the fish
The pet department ;-)
After that at the parking lot - between the fences - to stretch some muscles (in two groups)
1st group: 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange' and 'brown'

2nd group: 'red', 'purple', 'mint', 'pink' and 'black'

My superhelp Emma!!
On the calender!
September 15, 2014
What a nice start of this final week: a true photoshoot! A few weeks ago I got a request to come to 'Studio Pets by Myrna' in Aalsmeer (North of Holland) to have my litter photographed for the BrownTrout 2016 Golden Retriever Calender. I was ofcourse honoured and gladly accepted the invitation! The style of this photografer is very amiable by the use of soft pastel shades and cute properties. In due course I will get a copy of the original pictures but since I was allowed to take some photos myself I can now already give an idea of what my puppies will look like on the calender (see below). Although they worked through this superbly the cardrive and the whole experience in the studio were ofcourse quite tiresome for the pups, but on the Saturday they were all fresh and well rested again! In the morning we had a visit from the veterinarian for a healthcheck and the first Puppy vaccination, in the afternoon the pups went to the woods for the second time. They liked it even better than the first time :-). The next day we had the third and last Puppy-meeting where all future owners were on cloud nine because they now know which pup they're going to welcome in their house next week. Such happy people all of them, just great!
Day 52: because of the warm weather I placed a bath for them. Without water it was rather interesting...
... but once it was filled with a little layer they thought it was just wet and strange!
Female 'mint' actually was the only one who found it joyful ;-)
They now also eat from their own bowls and are doing it decently!
Day 51: every evening one pup is allowed to walk freely in the livingroom
Venice is really happy with that one-to-one contact, now she can leisurely play with them!
Day 50: lazing in the garden
With the veterinarian: healthcheck and Puppy vaccination
Then on to the woods, that is big fun! (my parents went along to help, they really like doing that!)
Chewing a branch together with mummy
Or walking with her for a bit
They see and smell all kinds of things!
A few have gathered around Dyonne 
Dirty snout from digging!

My mother receives kisses

Look how they enjoy themselves...
Amidst the flowers
Venice and my new honeygirl Elynn (Rocksett Kilifi Beach, female 'purple')!!
Day 49: in the photostudio in Aalsmeer, mummy ofcourse is there too!
Some of the properties

The kalender of 2015 to get an idea of what the result will be like (these are not the Rocksett-pups)

One of the tricks to get the attention: a cat's toy! (female 'pink')
Female 'mint'

Male 'red'

The photographer - Myrna - with female 'brown' in a reindeer costume
Female 'yellow'
Words simply fail me, what a gorgeous image!
And finally mummy Venice posing with one of her daughters