Born 25-07-2014 (4 males - 6 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Sanguinisch Braveheart (Commander in Chief van Flolain x Ch. Sanguinisch Showgirl)
Week 2-3
August 14, 2014
The developments go fast! The pups are transforming from helpless blond little moles to enterprising, active mini-Goldens. They meanwhile all had their first teeth,the ears are well open and some already show signs of cleanliness! Not bad if you're only 20 days old ;-). With a little bit of luck they will be able to go out in the garden by the end of next week. What a joy that will be! Now they are still a little too young and they have to make do with their 'domicile' inside, but there they still amuse themselves fine with their mummy but every now and then also with their halfsister: just look at the pictures below...
Day 20: just lying nicely with her puppies, how Venice enjoys that! 
Again such a melting little snout...
Female 'orange' has little reason to complain, so it seems :-)
In a corner on the plushies; the brothers 'red' and 'blue'
The males 'red' and 'black' having the whelping box all to themselves to fool around together
Playing with their halfsister Dyonne (Rocksett Trip On Love) is also super!
Day 19: my twin nephews Lex and Stefan (18 yrs) visiting; secretely pups are still quite nice ;-) 
Again clipping the nails with help from my sister, they grow as fast as the pups!
Female 'mint' makes a play bow to Dyonne who stands beside the whelping box (note her shadow on the right)
Dyonne responds very kindly to the puppy's invitation! 
Day 18: just as photogenic as her mother! Female 'pink'...
Male 'blue' in Dreamland

All together in the weaning pen for the first time, mama Venice is watching

Back into the whelping box is a very exhausting climb, so they rest for a while halfway ;-)
Female 'yellow' on the toy train
How can you NOT fall in love with these gorgeous doggies!
Growing well!
Augustus 11, 2014
Now that the pups are passed the age of 2 weeks, it was time for an extension of their residence. Therefore last Sunday a weaning pen was mounted to the whelping box so they have the possibility to walk/move some more. In the beginning this discovery is always done with only small steps, but as soon as they found out the new component is also very nice they only rarely return to the whelping box to sleep. This litter is not there yet, but the pups already familiarised with the weaning pen and most of all with the duckboard; that is quite a funny thing to step on if you're not used to it! But this Rocksett-litter too is nicely stable and not very quickly impressed by odd things, so they all do it well. Just like growing, by the way... that too is plain sailing, mummy Venice has more than enough milk so the puppies are calm and contented! 
Day 17: the whelping box with the weaning pen attached to it 
Just hanging about...
Sleeping with your sister (on the left female 'purple', on the right female 'orange')
For every litter the duckboard proves to be a wonderful place to lean on (the females 'pink' and 'yellow')
For now the whelping box is still the most safe and familiar place!
Such a nice puppy-pillow (male 'red')
Fast asleep... (female 'mint')
Day 16: the first pups are already testing the weaning pen!
Walking up and down the duckboard; smart how quickly they understand that! (pictured here is male 'black')
Female 'pink' is rooting around a bit
So lovely how they frolic with each other now!
There are also new toys to discover
Sigh... how gorgeous she is!
Day 15: it's really getting crowded on mummy's belly
"Can I go out again now??" (in the basket during the cleaning)
Mummy's got all the attention when she comes to check

Such a sweet face (female 'orange')

Day 14: still a real supermama!
The Land Of Cockaigne ;-)
The pups invented the sit-and-drink