Born 25-07-2014 (4 males - 6 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Sanguinisch Braveheart (Commander in Chief van Flolain x Ch. Sanguinisch Showgirl)
Week 1-2
August 7, 2014
This final day of the 1st week of life was marked by another session of 'nail clipping'. It was only for the second time so still a relatively strange experience, but it went just fine! The past hours I also had to pay some extra attention to one of the females, she couldn't drink as well because her throat was fairly swollen. But all the while she has enough talk to last a lifetime and is almost as naughty as she was before! Also she's trying to play a little with her brothers and sisters, because that's what the pups are discovering now. You can see them bite a bit at each other and are gently starting to make some sounds along with it. This is really hilarious! In short, the pups continue to grow well - mentally and physically - so we are looking forward to week 2...
Day 13: too cute with her head resting on her little paw (female 'purple')
Female 'orange' throws her frontlegs in the air
You can watch this for hours! 
Females 'mint' and 'purple'

Female 'yellow'

Venice comes to share a chewing bone with her kids! 
The pups like to sleep on the toys, pictured here is female 'orange'
Three heavy heads ;-) (female 'purple', female 'brown' and male 'blue')
Day 12: practising the basic principles of playing

Female 'brown', you would just wanna lie down beside her

Sharing the rug together... (the males 'green' (left) and 'red')
Day 11: 5 times a pair of 2!
My mother clearly enjoys giving hugs to male 'red'
August 4, 2014
The first milestone in the lives of the puppies has been reached: their eyes are open! On the 10th day, so completely by the book. Such a different expression they have then, just amazing!
In the past weekend my sister and I cut the knot with regards to the pedigree names. This list of names has to be presented to the Dutch Kennel Club within 10 days after the birth. Only with the chipping of the pups (at approx. 6-7 weeks of ages) the names will be linked to the individual doggies, so I don't know yet which pup gets which pedigree name. Therefore the only thing I can reveal at the moment is that I chose a very sunny theme for this litter ;-). 
Furthermore not much news, guess the pictures again speak for themselves...
Day 10: the eyes of the puppies are open! (on the photo my sister Irene)
Female 'purple' also clearly shows her opened eye 
Already successful in his attempt to walk: male 'blue'
Day 9: male 'black' is nicely sleeping on one of his sisters (female 'brown') 
Female 'purple' kissing with her mummy
How endearing it is: Venice with male 'red'
If there's no nippel nearby female 'mint' just grabs the nose of sister 'pink'
Granny Yacime (JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice) greets the puppies, she is always happy to see them! 
How big they have become!
Day 8: it won't be long before they no longer fit in the basket
During the daily weighing-ritual halfsister Dyonne (Rocksett Trip On Love) puts her nose in 
A very cute picture of female 'brown'
Look how sweet they put their little paws on each other...
The puppy-variant of yin & yang: male 'black' and female 'orange'
I think this is comfortable :-)
Day 7: female 'pink'
Female 'mint' and male 'blue'

Male 'red' and female 'orange'

In The Pink!