Born 26-01-2013 (4 males - 5 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Ch. Chinnordale Skydiver (Ch. Captain Finn at Steval x Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale)
Week 7-8
March 22, 2013
The final day has arrived, tomorrow and the day after 7 of the 8 pups will be leaving for their new home... How empty and quiet it will be then, and how I will miss those little rascals! But at the same time I know I will fully enjoy the time that I can spend again with my grown-up dogs and ofcourse with my own little female 'red', who from now on will be known as Dyonne (Rocksett Trip On Love). I am very happy with this wonderful pup and looking forward to her developments with great pleasure! 
Last Saturday the Puppytest took place and these results partly determined which puppy goes to which family; Sundaymorning I informed everybody about this and in the afternoon during the 3rd Puppy-meeting they all could hold their future darling in their arms! Seldom have I seen so many happy faces ;-).
The rest of the week was ofcourse all about continuing the socialization of the pups; one evening I took them (4-by-4 in the kart) for a walk through the neighborhood in the dark, Wednesdaymorning they again went to the woods for half an hour... This morning they all have been nicely washed and blow dried, their nails have been clipped again and I trimmed the tail and feet a little bit. Furthermore this afternoon they went outside for a short walk on the lead for the second time and it went very well. I am extremely proud of these 8 brave little ones and in my opinion they are all completely ready to step into the wide world! 
Day 55: the last full day with my 8 sweethearts
A beauty treatment ;-) (on the left male 'black', on the right female 'red')
Taking a big nap afterwards 
Lovely fluffy coats!
Nicely clean, but véry tired...
Neatly walking on the lead (here male 'blue')
Day 55: early in the afternoon on the little cordyard on the frontside one more time, sniffing everything again
Why "curious"??? ;-)
Pulling on a twig together with mummy  
Always in for a bite to eat! 
Day 53: to the woods once more! (click here for even more pictures)
Ofcourse mama Venice was there again, and in the background it's Skye (Rocksett Sunny Hypnotiq Breeze)
The whole bunch together
Getting dirty is no problem for a Golden Retriever :-)
Chewing on a stick is already a piece of cake for such a young pup
Very sturdily walking all the way with mummy
Day 52: they have such sweet faces (here female 'red')
The garden is still a big feast, this is male 'green' in the ball bin
Female 'mint' on her own chosen throne; she is the only pup who constantly settles on the little stool
There is nothing better dan satisfied puppies!
In the evening in two groups for a socialization round through the area
Day 50: male 'blue' with big cousin Milan (Rocksett City Side Walks)
The males 'black' and 'grey' freely romping in the livingroom 
Grandma Yacime loves to join in ;-)
Day 49: arriving in Soest for the Puppytest!
The test: male 'blue' with the wing and male 'green' at the subservience exercise
Male 'grey' is rather enthusiastic towards the tester Willy and male 'black' nicely accepts the crate
Female 'pink' sits calmly behind the fence and female 'mint' without any stress sniffs at the rattling can
Female 'red' retrieves the rabbit skin and female 'purple' is full of interest during the test with the umbrella
Their haunt during the testing, where lingering was super! 
» to pictures of Week 6-7