Born 26-01-2013 (4 males - 5 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Ch. Chinnordale Skydiver (Ch. Captain Finn at Steval x Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale)
Week 6-7
March 14, 2013
Now that the puppies were vaccinated last week and reached the age of 6 weeks, the socialization has begun. Despite the fact that it costs an enormous amount of my time, I undertake things like that with all the love and pleasure because I find it very important to let the pups get the best possible start! But besides a few special events also the usual, daily 'outings' are still there; I try to let the pups in the garden as often as possible, where they commit new foolery each time. Also they have been at the little courtyard on the frontside of my house to gain new impulses and go on a razzle. Furthermore every evening two puppies are allowed in turn to walk freely in the living room and moreover they ofcourse always have each other, the grown-up dogs and me to frolic. I suspect the pups to be rather happy ;-).
Day 47: a lovely morning doze (female 'purple')
Female 'red' in the tunnel
So cute that little tongue (male 'blue')
On the way to the garden centre (first in the cart female 'pink' and 'red' together with male 'green' and 'grey')
Mummy Venice went along for moral support

Watching the fish

Next the other 4 pups become acquainted with the traffic: female 'purple' and 'mint', male 'black' and 'blue'
The pond attracts them a lot too!

Experiencing new images, sounds ánd people 

Every evening two pups are allowed to walk in the living room, here female 'purple' and male 'green'
Venice wants to play too!
Day 46: such a wealth on 'just' a Wednesday morning
It is rather cold but the sun is shining, so the pups are fine being outside!
The ball bin again is a big success; male 'black' is enthusiastically playing in it
The pups are now at an age where they like all sorts of chewing bones
Hmmmm, good! 
A Train Of Pups ;-) 
Day 45: the pups completely adore the little toy-squirrels (female 'red')
Male 'blue'
Day 44: first having a good play... 
... then sleep
... and in the afternoon the pups are microchipped and how fantastiscally they behaved again! 
Because of the rain eating (and playing) nicely warm & dry in the kitchen and the hall 
Day 43: first time to the woods! (click here for more pictures)
Male 'blue' observes everything
Taking advantage of mummy :-)
So much to see...
Day 42: the final move, to an even bigger residence!
Female 'mint' resting on the strawberry
Luckily the basket has moved too! 
» to pictures of Week 5-6