Born 26-01-2013 (4 males - 5 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Ch. Chinnordale Skydiver (Ch. Captain Finn at Steval x Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale)
Week 5-6
March 8, 2013
This afternoon the vet came to my house to check and vaccinate the puppies since they will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. The whole litter is proven 100% fit which ofcourse pleases me greatly! All 8 are doing just fine and they are joyous, outgoing creatures so I wasn't one bit worried, but still it's pleasant to have confirmed that they indeed are in excellent health. No abnormality found whatsoever! I am a happy breeder ;-).
Day 41: the basket gets more populair every day, here used by female 'purple' and male 'green'
Male 'black' with his prey :-) 
Female 'mint' enjoying herself in the tunnel 
Photo model: male 'grey'
With the vet: male 'blue' (checking teeth) and male 'green' (checking testicles)
Male 'black' (vaccination) and male 'grey' (ear check)
Female 'pink' and female 'mint' (heart check)
Female 'red' (preparing for teeth check) and female 'purple' (vaccination)
Day 40: mummy (left) and granny keep watch
Looking so wise already!
It almost seems dangerous but she is ever so careful with her offspring...
"Got ya!" 
A meeting in the Puppy House ;-)
Day 39: chilling...
Too sweet! (male 'blue')
The girls 'purple' and 'mint'
March 5, 2013
Today was a lovely spring day, so the pups have been romping outside for over 1,5 hours! Yesterday evening I placed the Puppy House and an extra kennel for even more space, and together with the ball bin, the toys and the large tunnel it now truly is paradise for the little ones. I think I like it as much as they do!!
Last weekend by the way also was nicely filled for the puppies: Saturday they've been lucky to go outside for a while again and in the evening they had their second deworming (which went super!). Sunday we had the 2nd Puppy-meeting and that meant of lot of attention and cuddles. And you can tell that - although in a positive way! - this has quite a big impact on such young doggies so the rest of the day they were strikingly calm :-). But they all went through it superbly and I am again very proud of them!

Day 38: having their meal in the open air!
Venice is playing with her kids 
She is so sweet with/for her puppies!!
Indoors they are also still very contented: female 'mint' and male 'black'
Female 'red' and male 'blue' are not having any sleep!
Day 36: during the Puppy-meeting the pups fairly show off ;-)
The new, large tunnel is again also big fun!
"Aren't I térribly cute???" (male 'blue')
Female 'purple' also does her best to impress with her little branch 
The pups aren't exactly shy of humans!!
All that attention truly is véry tiring...
Day 35: the second deworming (pictured are male 'black' and female 'red')
The toilet remains a favourite place to sleep...
Male 'blue' is playing so neatly with the spider monkey!
» to pictures of Week 4-5