Born 26-01-2013 (4 males - 5 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Ch. Chinnordale Skydiver (Ch. Captain Finn at Steval x Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale)
Week 3-4
February 22, 2013
Not much news, the whole family is still doing just fine. The pups all have their teeth now and they're using it alright! Toys as well as brothers and sisters are now being bitten into, and the beddings are also very nice to chew on. It's clear they're getting bigger, tomorrow they will be 4 weeks old already... This really is a wonderful age and you can't help but laugh at these little cutie pies all day, it's much more fun to watch than the television :-). So enjoy the new pictures!!
Day 27: I keep being amazed by the positions a pup can sleep in ;-)
What is this gorgeous girl 'red' thinking??
The pups are now very frequently playing with each other (here male 'black' and female 'purple')
Female 'mint' sleeping with her head on the duckboard
Day 26: how I admire her!... it's not always easy being a mother but she does such a splendid job!
Kisses from granny Yacime!
Handsome male 'blue'
They look like little bears! (here female 'purple')
The tunnel is being used every time I put it in the whelping box, the pups love it!
All things new!
February 20, 2013
Everything is going great, the pups are becoming wiser! And they are not afraid either: this afternoon I introduced them to a mini-tunnel, and they just walked to/along it without batting an eyelid. No problem! What also went well was the deworming last Saturday; normally I start with this at 2 weeks of age, but after the loss of female ‘mix’ I wanted to make sure all the puppies were strong enough for a worming treatment. And it turned out well: no diarrhea and no cramps! 
On the Sunday we had the first Puppy-meeting, which all dogs ánd people liked a lot. The puppies behaved exemplary, but I didn’t expect anything else from them ;-). The same evening we fed the little ones some raw meat and how that loved that! They never had it before but they knew very well what to do with it, really cute to see. This wonderful bunch is a great joy anyway, I am so very glad it just all goes well again now…
Day 25: a wink from male 'black'
Looking at sleeping pups never gets boring...
Not at all afraid of the mini-tunnel (check out the wagging tail of male 'green'!!)
The sisters 'purple' and 'red' also find this new thing quite interesting
And the balls too are so much fun, according to male 'green'
Day 24: this really is the good life :-)
Lovely pillow!! 
The pups now can sit while being fed by their mummy
Doing some good romping first...
... and then rest!
Day 22: the pups ate the raw meat with ralish (on the picture the females 'pink' and 'red')
Male 'grey' in never-never land on a pillow on my lap... 
Female 'mint' so sweet!
Upside down! (male 'blue') 
Day 21: neatly in a circle
The porridge sure makes you sticky :-)
Venice gladly comes to clean her kids!
Or otherwise one of your siblings will be happy to do it (male 'green' and female 'mint') 
Granny (in front) and mummy totally pleased to get the leftovers
Female 'purple' clearly is very fond of her privacy ;-) 
Male 'grey'
Female 'pink' laid herself down on the ladybug
The deworming went super, the puppies cooperated perfectly given it was the first time! F.l.t.r. (in order of birth): male 'blue', male 'green', male 'grey', female 'pink', female 'mint', male 'black', female 'red' and female 'purple' 
» to pictures of Week 2-3