Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 6-7
Day 48: because of the wonderful weather, the pen in the garden now is even bigger!
Venice as usual is warmly welcomed to play...
...and mummy to drink (but unfortunately for the pups she - logically! - hardly allows this anymore)
After that you rest this way ;-) 
Or like this, which also looks delicious!
The whole litter microchipped! (I couldn't take any pictures of the chipping itself as I had to hold the pups)
The chipper checks with the reader whether all the pups indeed are left with a microchip 
Day 46: the Puppytest! Male 'blue' waiting behind the fence before he is being called for
Male 'black' is totally happy with the wing he was allowed to search
Male 'green' enthusiastically retrieves the rabbit skin
And male 'grey' has found a beautiful wing!
Male 'purple' challenges the test dog 
Male 'white' thinks the tester Marjet truly is veeeeeery sweet :-)
Female 'pink' also retrieves like the best!
Female 'mint' during the test of perseverance (meat in a tin)
And the final pup (female 'red') was just like her siblings not afraid of the umbrella!
Day 44: the vet comes by to vaccinate the pups and checks them at the same time (picture: male 'green') 
All nine declared completely healthy! (picture: male 'grey')
Afterwards playing nicely with mama Yacime

Having a hug with the breeder ;-)
Male 'green' and female 'pink' are fooling around on their own!
Cute face: male 'blue' (43 days old) 
My sister (on her birthday!) helps with the third deworming

Female 'red' together with her big halfbrother Milan (Rocksett City Side Walks)

My twin nephews Stefan and Lex between the pups!
Day 42: they all want to be in the front! 
Male 'white' in dreamland
Sleeping pups always soften up (male 'green')
» to pictures of Week 5-6