Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 5-6
Day 40: male 'green' and female 'red' during their Sunday morning nap
Male 'black' circled by a very vicious snake :-)
Venice is very careful when she plays with the pups (here with male 'purple')
Little male 'blue' fast asleep
On day 37 the pen became even larger and it is now a true playground!
Chewing a bone: males 'green' and 'white'
Female 'red' and male 'black'
Life is one big party!!!
In the evening sleeping with their wonderful sweet big sister...
Day 38: female 'mint' and male 'black' playing in the garden!
The Puppy House is also a great place to fool around in
And ofcourse Venice likes to be part of it...
A naughty looking male 'grey'
Day 37: the pups go outside as often as possible
And that always is so much fun!! 
But also very tiresome...
Day 35: having their meal at the frontside of the house for the first time
A whole new environment with many different sounds (female 'pink')
And new friends ;-)
Relaxed! (male 'black')
Teasing mummy Yacime and their big sister Venice...
» to pictures of Week 4-5