Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 4-5
Day 34: male 'grey' on a beautiful, sunny day
How they enjoy being in the garden!
Super happy little male 'blue' :-))
The pups show no reservations towards the tunnel (pictured is male 'green')
Female 'red' at the water bowl
What a clown!
Day 33: four big 'puppies' in the pen!  
"Noooooo, ofcourse we aren't stealing balls!" Yacime, Roman, Milan (middle) and Venice (below)
Day 32: the whole bunch being lazy ;-)
Male 'blue' and female 'pink'
Male 'white'
Day 31: first time outside!
With mummy...
... and their big friend/sister Venice
So much to discover!
Day 30: a very relaxed male 'black' 
Taking a nice rest after playing (males 'purple' and 'white')
Female 'red'
The second deworming - here male 'green' - and how well they all accepted it again! 
Day 28: mummy Yacime and her offspring in the new, bigger 'house' 
Female 'pink' is testing if the litter pan might be a nice bed ;-) 
Venice enjoys it more and more to lay with her mother's puppies...
» to pictures of Week 3-4