Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 3-4
Day 27: one happy family!
Male 'green' and female 'red'
Male 'blue' and male 'purple'
Their first meal of soaked dry food (mixed with some porridge) on 26 days of age
Championship of Funniest Positions: the winners are male 'white', female 'red'...
...and (if traceable) female 'mint' ;-)
Day 25: you just have to love them!
Male 'black' fell asleep on the scale
A successful encounter with raw meat: pictured are male 'blue', female 'mint' and male 'grey'
Female 'red' is well-mannered and prefers eating from a plate :-)
Feeding can be very exhausting (male 'black' and female 'pink')
Day 24: the doggies are getting cuter each dayl!
"Come on, let's go for a walk" ;-)
The red pillow is new and the pups love it!
Female 'pink'
I'm having a great time too!
Day 23: male 'green' is calling and rolling of joy
Day 22: female 'mint' and her gorgeous face
The pups are starting to show interest in the toys (here the males 'black' and 'white')
Female 'red' is closely inspecting Mickey & Minni Mouse
Venice turns out as a 'surrogate mother' and regularly cleans both the pups and the pen!
» to pictures of Week 2-3