Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 2-3
Day 19: mjummy, porridge!!
Male 'purple'  
Yacime really wants to join in!
Afterwards the pups look something like this :-))
Little big guy, 18 days old (male 'white') 
Male 'green' challenges female 'mint' to play!
Male 'grey'
Day 17: the weaning pen that is placed on the whelping box offers more space and possibilities 
Cosily sleeping with mummy
The duckboard is also a nice spot to rest on... or under...
Day 16: that's already quite a lot of pup there on the scale :-)
Yacime on her daily walk in the woods: she loves it!
Day 15: the puppies have such funny ways to sleep! (on the picture male 'white' )
Female 'red' chose a cosy spot between the giraffe and the stuffed Golden Retriever toy :-)
With her head on the rail; female 'mint' (watch that little tongue!)
Day 14: the first deworming went well, but the taste was ofcourse strange to them (males 'green' and 'black')
All nine good, healthy and satisfied!!
'Hanging around' ;-)
» to pictures of Week 1-2