Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Week 1-2
Day 13: sweet Yacime with her lovely pups!
Cosy together (male 'black', female 'red' and male 'blue')

12 days old: male 'blue'

male 'black' male 'green'
male 'grey' male 'purple' male 'white'

female 'pink'

female 'mint'

female 'red'

Male 'black' in my father's hands
Rocksett Advert :-)
Day 11: Big Brother's watching...
Male 'purple' comfortably on a pillow
Female 'mint' and male 'green', 10 days old
Day 9: a nicely filled basket :-)
True brotherly love between male 'black' and male 'blue' 
Little beauty! Female 'pink' (female 'mint' in the back)
Males 'purple' and 'green'
Yacime: what a caring mother she is...
Male 'white' is the first one with his eyes open, and he is only 9 days old!
Day 8: male 'white', male 'purple', female 'red', female 'mint' and male 'black' at the Beetlejuice Bar!! 
Yacime's grown up daughter Venice (2,5 years) comes to check on the new family every now and then
So cute and still so little: female 'mint' (7 days old)
Male 'grey' having another good drink!

Male 'white' (on top) and female 'pink'

The pups are growing well, the whelping box is getting more full!
» to pictures of Week 0-1