Born 27-03-2012 (6 males - 3 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: Sequins Sandeman CJS'11 (Ch. Dewmist Rainbow Quest x Non-Stop Jam Session)
Reunion on September 23, 2012 at Birkhoven forest in Amersfoort (Holland)
Six out of nine pups from this litter were present!
F.l.t.r.: Yaci (Rocksett Smooth Pink Lemonade), Troy (Rocksett Sharp Hill Sunrise), Marley (Rocksett Saint Thomas Smile), Storm (Rocksett Strong Badia Melonade), mommy Yacime (JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice), Skylar (Rocksett Sunny Hypnotiq Breeze) and Jivan (Rocksett Sparkling Hunt Punch)

Yaci (Rocksett Smooth Pink Lemonade) with Phillip & Astrid and their son Sem
Marley (Rocksett Saint Thomas Smile) with Ralph & Ineke and their daughters Ellis and Marcha
Jivan (Rocksett Sparkling Hunt Punch) with Daniëla and her son Goran
Storm (Rocksett Strong Badia Melonade) with Marielle and her daughter Melanie
Troy (Rocksett Sharp Hill Sunrise) with Theo & Anja and their Golden Beau
Skylar (Rocksett Sunny Hypnotiq Breeze) with Lisette, her daughter Kiek, their Golden Yazoo (Rocksett Cheeks Are Rosy) and Dachshund Floor
Many many thanks to all the puppy owners for attending this great reunion!!

w e b d e s i g n  I Q  S e r v i c e