Born 26-01-2013 (4 males - 5 females) 
d: Rocksett Calling Yoo Hoo (JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve x JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice)
s: Ch. Chinnordale Skydiver (Ch. Captain Finn at Steval x Ousevale Obsession with Chinnordale)
Week 0-1
February 1, 2013
First of all I would like to thank everybody for the nice and sweet messages in the guestbook - it's good to hear you appreciate this diary and the pictures so much! A litter of puppies is ofcourse very cute indeed, but besides that it’s with great admiration that I watch the process mummy Venice is going through. From the first days after the delivery when she wanted not much more than to be there for her kids 24 hours a day, till now, not even a week later; she joins us to the woods every day and enjoys it enormously! She also spends more time in the pen in front of the whelping box. And now she sometimes feeds her babies sitting instead of just lying. Such a wonderous, natural process (just like her own mother did in the exact same way). There’s hardly any need for a human to interfere, it just take it’s own course. And the puppies adjust well too: satisfied and contented. They even begin to tease eachother a bit sometimes and every now and then they sound a – as they feel – very impressive bark… ;-)
Day 6: male 'grey'
The sisters 'mint' and 'pink' are kissing eachother :-) 
Oh gosh, what a face!
Again the females 'mint' and 'pink'
Male 'grey' tries to climb higher
When the tails are up it's a sign that the milk is flowing good
Mummy Venice: such a sweet head and she loves to have her daily chewing bone again!!
Day 5: female 'mix' landed on male 'black' 
There's a lot of kissing going on in the whelping box, this time by the females 'purple' and 'mint' ;-)
The pups are being weighed every evening and granny Yacime helps with that - she cleans the pups and after that I put them on the scale. Pictured here are male 'grey' and female 'mix', they weighed exactly the same!
Female 'pink' 
Mummy Venice takes good care of her kids, they are wonderfully chunky and firm  
Day 4: female 'pink' and male 'blue' having a good nap on the toy 
Male 'black' and female 'mint' after their drink: the girl still has milk on her mouth
Well. If you have a mummy ánd a daddy that love to lie on their backs, this is what you get...
A lovely spot for male 'green' 
Granny Yacime
January 29, 2013
The puppies are growing fast and their mummy Venice is doing a fantastic job. Unbelievably so, she's already been to the forest today! Ofcourse it was only a very short walk as her mind is already occupied with the care of her babies, but nonetheless she proved I made the right decision to take her. She pottered around through the chopped trees and crawled into holes; just having 15 minutes of individual fun and not only thinking about feeding and caring for her 9 puppies... She loved it! Back home she took up her maternal duties again like she's splendidly doing ever since the litter was born. Venice's mother Yacime has been itching from scratch to lend a hand too, but Venice wouldn't let her (yet). But this morning Yacime's wish came true when she was allowed to pamper the pups together with Venice, while I was cleaning the whelping box. Yacime was so very happy!! Unlike the puppies, who were not so happy this afternoon when my good friend Lisette and I trimmed their nails for the first time - quite some power in those little doggies when they don't want to have something done ;-). But ofcourse it was necessary, I wouldn't want Venice's belly to be hurt by those little sharp knives...
Well, that's all the news I have for today; below some new pictures to enjoy!
Day 3: so very precious - female 'red'...
Such a heartwarming scene 
Three of the five girls: 'mix' in the front, 'pink' in the middle and 'mint' in the back
Their favorite hobby, ofcourse ;-)
Look how proud she is of her kids!!!
Grandma Yacime (on the left) is over the moon being allowed to help clean the puppies
Day 2: male 'green'
In full speed to the milkbar when mummy has arrived again!
Big dog and little dog (the males 'green' and 'blue')
All nine together
New life
January 27, 2013

I don’t think anyone could be more grateful than I am right now… Therefore it’s with great pride and joy that I can bring the news about the birth of 9 gorgeous doggybabies!! Born in the very early Saturdaymorning (the first one arrived at 0:02 o’clock) and only 4 hours later Venice was finished with the delivery and we could welcome the ninth and last pup. There are 4 sturdy lads and 5 elegant ladies; each pup in excellent health and breathtakingly pretty to watch!
While I’m writing this, the litter is 1,5 days old and is thriving extremely well. Apart from some small cooing if one of the pups has trouble finding its way to mummy, no noise comes from the welping box. It’s a fantastic, satisfied litter and Venice takes her new duty very seriously but does that in an extremely relaxed way. Simply wonderful to experience and a very precious gift from Mother Nature!

Day 1: the new mama with her offspring
Lovely, firm pups and most of them have some colour in their coats as hoped for!
The males 'grey' and 'blue' discovered the stuffed animals
The sisters 'red' (top) and 'pink' cosily close to their mother, below male 'green' and on the right female 'mint'
In the basket during the cleaning of the whelping box: neither the pups nor Venice find it worrisome
Day of birth: such a tremendously sweet mama...
The brothers 'black' and 'green'
Venice thankfully is eating well and here she enjoys (half) a tray of curd
Male 'black' is balancing on his mothers frontleg

Female 'pink' - next to male 'blue'- in the split ;-)

After only 4 hours Venice is finished giving birth to her 9 pups...
In the early Saturdaymorning at 0:02 o'clock the first pup is born: male 'blue'
Venice in the afternoon prior to the delivery
» to the diary 'Venice becomes mummy...'