Born 24-12-2009 (4 males - 6 females) 
d: JCh. Cheek to Cheek Beetlejuice (Ch. Sequins Shamrock x Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic)
s: JCh. Chicago Down Town v.d. Beerse Hoeve (Ch. Matador v.d. Beerse Hoeve x Monte Serafina v.d. Beerse Hoeve)

Week 2-3

Day 18: such a fantastic, devoted mother...
The pups are quickly leaving the whelping box as soon as mommy arrives: pictured are male 'grey' and female 'green'
"And what is all that?" (the females 'white' and 'red')
Female 'purple' (in the back is male 'bleu')
Day 17: the whelping box is expanded with a weaning pen and they all easily adapted to the new situation
Some of the pups have their teeth coming though which makes them wanna chew your fingers... (on the photo female 'red')
Female 'green' fell asleep with the tale of male 'black' in her little mouth!
Day 14: Yacime looking ever so happy among her puppies!

Male 'darkbleu' clearly is up to something naughty:
Aha! Discovering what use his little mouth has besides drinking :-))
Deworming for the first time
  Well, that wasn't too bad afterall...
» to pictures of Week 1-2

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